§ 6.05. Nepotism.
No officer of the City or officer of any City Board shall appoint, or vote for or confirm the appointment to any office, position, clerkship, employment or duty, of any person related with the second-degree of affinity (by marriage) or within the third-degree by consanguinity (by blood) to the person so appointing or so voting, or related to any other member of the governing body or board of the City; provided that any person who has been continuously employed in any employment for a period of six months prior to the election or 30 days prior to the appointment of the officer or member of a board may be retained in such employment, as provided by state statutes.
(Rev. of 5-6-1995)
State law reference
Degrees of relationship, nepotism prohibitions, V.T.C.A., Government Code ch. 573.